3 UMMA Objects
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<p>Long cream colored chirimen haori with interwoven light brown, gold, and silver geometric textured floral and foliage patterning with a pale pink inner lining depicting hand-painted (tegaki) goshoninngyou figures.</p>
Japanese (Japanese (culture or style))
20th century
Gift of Howard and Patricia Yamaguchi
View down onto a busy seaport populated by numerous steamships and smaller watercraft. A sliver of land with various towers and domed structures stretches across the horizon line in the distance. 
J. Pascal and Joaillier Sébah (Turkish (culture or style))
La Pointe du Sérai
1888 – 1910
Gift of Howard and Margaret Bond
This photograph shows a view of stairs, doors, and banisters within the Imperial Palace in Beijing, China.
Eliot Porter (American (North American))
Imperial Palace, Peking
Gift of Clayton E. Wilhite